This was the first night of tour and it was lovely.
Thank you David, Thomas, Matthias and everybody else that came out and made the first night a night to remember! The place was crowded and the crowd was great!
Tomorrow we leave for Leipzig and further south i have heard that the weather is getting wormer and the landscape gets even nicer. The club is called Noch Besser Leben (a better life?) and makes a promise i hope that it can hold.
I totally love this, being on tour is a way of living, and it´s close to heaven.
Grattis det låter som ni fått en bra start på er turné. Och massa roliga spelningar har ni kvar. Jättekul att kunna följa er på det här sättet.Hemma är det grått och tråkigt så passa på och njut av allt det vackra ni har runt er.
mamma Bitte