In Lepizig we found a fantastic vegan restaurant. I cant remember what it was called but it was super. The people running "Noch besser leben" is probably some of the nicest people on this planet. The club was really much living room feeling and we really enjoyed it.
Tonight we played in vienna and Bernard was the promotor. Right now i am under the sheets in his apartment. A huge apartment in the center on the town, with the coolest bath room ever. Ill post a picture tomorrow. The show was magic and people danced quite a bit!
Tonight Anja got the Victoria-golden-star-price for keeping her cool even when people were loud. The Victoria price is gaining more and more attention.
Wow bilden på publiken ser helt otroligt fin ut, fan jag önskar jag var med er! hoppas allt är bra, här hemma stundar Scraps-julfest och rep. Kom hem snart med massa grymma berättelser i baggaget!